
Hello there! thank you for checking out my blog! My name is Jubin Kurian Varghese and I’m the guy who writes the articles on this blog (but you’re smart enough to know that already).

What you will find on this blog are thoughts on the Christian faith, reading and possibly football. But mostly on the Christian faith (hence the blog’s tagline).

So stick around if these are things you would like timely reminders of. All these words are straight from my mind to yours, via my heart (it can go straight to you inbox too if you subscribe!).

About Me

I currently live in Mumbai, but was born and raised in Dubai and I hail from Kerala. Three very different places.

I love reading (fantasy books especially), singing, playing the guitar and cajon, watching football (Liverpool Football Club is my life and pain) and more reading. All of these things give me great pleasure. And that’s what fuels the writing (apart from the innate desire to do so).

The greatest fuel however is from Jesus Christ, not just for writing but for life. He “loved me and gave himself up for me” (Galatians 2:20) and I live in that truth with thankfulness. I celebrate that truth alongside others at The Gathering Church in Mumbai.

About the Name Quiricus

Quiricus is a Syriac Aramaic name from which the name Kuriakose is derived from, from which the name Kurian comes from, which happens to me my middle name.

And I thought that’s a pretty great name for a blog.

Once again, thank you visiting and I truly hope that what you read helps and blesses you. 

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