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Singleness and the Christian

There are two kinds of people in the world, those who want to get married and those who don’t. I’m joking of course. But how prevalent is marriage and the desire to get married in our world? Our desire to…

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Talent or Practice? Which Side are You On?

“What is talent, if not practice persevering?” You may have recognized this line from a certain TV series. Well, it’s not exactly the same. It’s my own riff on the famous dialogue between Vision and Wanda in WandaVision, which goes…

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Why Expository Preaching?

Being someone who has read 3 books on preaching, and delivered a grand total of 5 sermons, I believe I am well placed to tell you all about expository preaching. Okay, you can stop laughing now. I’m no expert of…

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