Frog – A Character Examination (from the game “Chrono Trigger”)

So today, we're talking about the character Frog, and his life which revolves around the events in the Kingdom of Guardia. We're talking about a frog?Not a frog. Frog. Oh-kay. Frog is a character from what?From a game called Chrono Trigger. Okay, wait. What events in the Kingdom of Guardia?Good, I see that you're curious … Continue reading Frog – A Character Examination (from the game “Chrono Trigger”)

I Will In No Wise Cast Out: Book Review of “Gentle and Lowly”

"She finds the ancient scroll and raises it up triumphantly for the others to see. Alas! they cannot understand a word from it, because it's written in a tongue long forgotten. But wait! They know of a wizened old man who has studied the language of the ancient scroll. They quickly take it to him … Continue reading I Will In No Wise Cast Out: Book Review of “Gentle and Lowly”